Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) are governed by the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law), which came into effect on 1 July 2010. This law means that for the first time in Australia, 14 health professions are regulated by nationally consistent legislation under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme. AHPRA supports the 14 National Boards that are responsible for regulating the health professions. The primary role of the National Boards is to protect the public and they set standards and policies that all registered health practitioners must meet. Each Board has entered into a health profession agreement with AHPRA which sets out the fees payable by health practitioners, the annual budget of the Board and the services provided by AHPRA.

The functions of the Chinese Medicine Board of Australia include:

- Developing standards, codes and guidelines for the Chinese Medicine profession

- Approving accreditation standards and accredited courses of study

- Registering Chinese Medicine practitioners and students

- Handling notifications, complaints, investigations and disciplinary hearings

- Assessing overseas trained practitioners who wish to practise in Australia

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